10 Simple Ways to Rock Your Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Etc)

Bob Baker
4 min readMay 2, 2019

So, you already have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Perhaps you even have a business page or two.


And now you’re using them effectively as people flock to your profiles and engage with you and all your activities. Right?

Huh? You say things could be better? And what’s that? You say it’s actually been pretty quiet lately?

Well, what you need is a new plan to start rocking those sleepy little pieces of online real estate.

Use this checklist to reenergize yourself and your followers on social media.

1) Keep things fresh

The key to being effective on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is ongoing activity. Be sure to post something new on a regular basis. I recommend at least once a day on Facebook and Instagram, even more often on Twitter. Once or twice a week won’t move the needle. To make your social media rock, you need to show up and have ongoing activity. So post often!

2) Get visual

The occasional text update is fine. But to up your game, you have to deliver some eye candy with most of your updates. (Of course, on Instagram and Pinterest, there is no text-only option. You have to include visuals.) So post some kind of image with just about every post. Use the text to reinforce whatever is shown in the photo — and vice versa.

3) Take lots of photos

You don’t have to make like a super model and go crazy taking lip-pouting selfies (unless that’s your thing). But do get in the habit of capturing images of yourself, people you run into and hang out with, and interesting things you see throughout your day. These photos will come in handy the next time you’re searching for something new to post.

4) Respond to comments, or at least “Like” them

When people take the time to leave a meaningful comment, you will create a lot of good will by commenting back. Even if it’s only a quick sentence. At the very least, click the “Like” or “Love” button next to the comment, which will appear in that person’s list of notifications. Find some way to acknowledge that you saw and appreciate every comment you get.

5) Share and serve, don’t always sell

Nothing turns off a follower more than a constant barrage of sales messages. Use your social media updates to communicate with your fans — not just promote to them. Share interesting stories and links; new music, books, and movies; and other cool things you have discovered that they would most likely enjoy. Always ask yourself, “How can I serve my audience today? What would be the best way to help people today?”

6) Show your personality

Share your sense of humor and quick wit (assuming you possess those qualities :-) Make your updates lively and engaging — not just dry announcements. Post quotes and photos of things you come across that make you laugh. (Like the church sign I saw in the middle of a summer heat wave that read, “The devil called, and he wants his heat back.”)

7) Give stuff away

New music tracks, book chapters, video clips, checklists, you name it. Don’t cling so tightly to everything you create. Loosen up and give a lot of it away. Have a day every week or month when you have drawings or contests for your people to win free stuff. Generosity will go a long way toward making a connection with your followers.

8) Ask for feedback and pose questions

One of the best ways to encourage interaction is to ask for it. On a regular basis, ask questions on all of your social accounts: What topics should I cover at my next workshop? What’s your favorite new artist, book, or movie? What are you binge-watching this weekend? How should we celebrate the singer’s birthday next week? Which of these two songs do you like best? Ask, ask, ask!

9) Thank your fans, friends, and followers

The people who support your endeavors allow you to do what you do. They are your true “dream team.” Acknowledge the important role they play in your life. Thank them — and thank them often!

10) Make sales offers too

Of course, while you’re delivering value, giving stuff away, and interacting with your fans … don’t forget to make them aware that you do indeed have stuff for sale. Don’t go overboard with sales pitches, but don’t shy away from them either. Strike a balance. Give your fans an opportunity to help and support you — and help themselves in the process!

I’d love your thoughts on this!

In what other ways do you (or could you) generate activity and engagement on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc?

Please leave a comment, give this article a clap or five :) and share it with someone who would benefit from reading it.

This is Day 18 of my 30-Day Blog Writing Challenge.

Bob Baker helps musicians, authors, artists, and creative entrepreneurs use their talents and know-how to make a living and make a difference in the world!

Listen to his Creative Entrepreneur or Music Marketing podcasts.

Check out Bob’s books on Amazon and follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

He also creates affirmation and guided meditation recordings on his YouTube channel, Spotify, iTunes, and other platforms.



Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.