5 Best MORNING I Am AFFIRMATION Videos on YouTube

Bob Baker
2 min readJul 22, 2018

Get a great start to your day!

I’ve listened to hundreds of guided meditation and affirmation recordings over the years. Sadly, I didn’t resonate with most of them. There was something about the voice or the music that didn’t sit well with me.

So I decided to create my own!

Here are five of them in YouTube video format. Give them a listen. I hope they resonate with you :)

As you hear each affirmation, visualize yourself truly living and embracing the statement. The more emotion and enthusiasm you put into embodying these affirmations, the more you’ll get out of them.

Morning I AM Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance!

Listen to these morning I AM affirmations to attract wealth, abundance and prosperity. Absorb these powerful declarations every morning for 21 days in a row. You just might be amazed by what shows up in your life.

Guided Morning Meditation to Start Your Day | Pooki Lee, Female Voice

Start your day with this guided morning meditation, featuring the soothing voice of Pooki Lee. Let the positive energy of this guided meditation give you an inspiring jump-start to your day. Set your intention, create your ideal day, and have an amazing day.

Morning I AM Affirmations to START YOUR DAY!

Start your day with these powerful, positive morning I AM affirmations, inspired by Abraham Hicks, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, and Wayne Dyer. Take this 21-day meditation challenge. Wake up to positivity and kick start your day.

MORNING Affirmations for CONFIDENCE | 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Start your day with these powerful, positive Morning I AM Affirmations for Confidence. Take this 21 day meditation challenge and listen every morning for 21 days in a row. It will help you build the self confidence you deserve.

Morning I AM Affirmations for Health and Weight Loss

Listen to these health and weight loss affirmations every morning for 21 days in a row. Doing so will ingrain these powerful statements and help you commit to your health and ideal weight goals.

You may also enjoy these two albums, which you can sample for free …

Guided Meditations for Abundance, Energy & Creativity

The 21-Day Abundance and Money Attraction Brain Boost





Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.