Get Into the Receiving Mode | Affirmations Inspired by Abraham Hicks

Bob Baker
4 min readSep 3, 2021

Affirmations to Help You Get Into the Receiving Mode

“Get into the receiving mode” is a phrase that I believe was coined by Esther Hicks during some of her live workshops delivering the Abraham Hicks material. And I just love that idea — getting into the receiving mode.

Well, what does that mean? To me, it means you’re open and receptive. You’re ready to receive all the goodness the Universe has to offer you.

It’s a slightly different approach than a lot of people take.

When you’re in the receiving mode, you’re not out there going to get something. You’re not necessarily striving. You’re not begging, for sure. You’re just open and you’re ready to receive it.

And when you’re in the receptive mode, you’re more likely to notice opportunities.

You can watch and listen to the YouTube video, or read the transcript below …

Yes, there will be physical activity involved and you will have conversations with people. But you’re not out there grasping and clawing for things.

You’re just open. You’re receptive. You’re looking for the opportunities and you’re allowing them to come to you and you’re open to receiving them.

So let’s get some affirmations going that will reinforce this idea.

Whatever you’re doing, wherever you are, I invite you to take a deep breath and get centered.

I’ll do my best to leave space for you to repeat these statements back to yourself and really lean into them with enthusiasm.

Let’s begin.

I am open and ready to receive.

I am open and receptive to all the good this life offers.

I welcome abundance into my life.

I welcome joy into my life.

I welcome love into my life.

I welcome prosperity into my life.

I welcome success into my life.

I am open and ready to receive.

Let’s repeat that two more times because it’s so powerful.

I am open and ready to receive.

Again, I am open and ready to receive.

Today, I am keenly aware of opportunities.

Today, I look for the good in my life.

Today, I appreciate the people and things in my life.

I deserve all the good this life offers.

I am worthy of all the good this life offers.

Let’s just take a moment right now to address something that sometimes comes up in people’s minds when they say statements like this.

I just want you to know when you make affirmations like this, you are not being self-serving. This isn’t a conceited perspective.

When you empower yourself, when you lift yourself up, when you’re open to receive, you are in a much better position to serve others.

So please know that, in case any of these feelings of doubt come up.

And when you prosper, when you accept and receive abundance and love and accomplishment, you’re not taking from anyone else.

We live in an abundant universe. There is plenty to go around.

So let’s affirm that.

I live in an abundant universe.

There is plenty of love and joy and enthusiasm for everyone.

When I empower myself, I empower others.

Of course, we can’t overlook gratitude. Here’s an affirmation that I love. Repeat it with me.

I am grateful for what I have and eager for more.

Let’s say that again.

I am grateful for what I have and eager for more.

I welcome joy into my life.

I am ready for an overflowing abundance in my life.

I am open to give and receive love in my life.

I am so grateful for all the aspects of my life.

I am open and ready to receive.

I am open and ready to receive.

Take a deep breath as we bring this session to a close.

I hope this perspective gives you a new way to walk in the world today — where you’re open, you’re receptive, and you’re ready to receive all the riches life has to offer.

Have an amazing day. This is Bob Baker of Let’s talk again soon. So long for now.

If you enjoyed this, you will also like my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.” Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and most online booksellers.

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Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.