Making the Jump to Full-Time!
It’s a goal for many musicians, writers, visual artists, and creative people in general. Being able to fully support yourself in the arts.
If you already do, congrats. But I bet you wouldn’t mind cranking things up a bit.
Wherever you are on that career spectrum, I think you’ll enjoy the four short videos below:
Be Your Own Boss: How to Work for Yourself
Want to know how to be your own boss? Great. But don’t get stuck in this common trap. In this video, I explain what this obstacle is and how to overcome it. I’ve been self-employed in the arts for many years, so I have a lot of hard-won advice to share.
How to Build a Career as an Artist, Writer or Musician
In this one I share the story of how my most successful book got published and the philosophy that has allowed me to make a full-time living in the arts for many years.