I Don’t Chase I Attract Affirmations | 10 Minute Manifestation

Bob Baker
4 min readJan 22, 2022

“I don’t chase. I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.”

These simple affirmations went viral with a TikTok video by Sara Fiorvento. She goes by @fitsara on TikTok — f i t s a r a.

Many people claim that repeating these simple statements to themselves on a regular basis, that they work miracles.

Before I get into those affirmations, I just want to give a little bit of context and give you my perspective on these particular statements.

You can watch and listen to the YouTube video, or read the transcript below …

If you’re listening to this for the first time, I encourage you to please listen to this introduction so you fully understand where I’m coming from.

But if you come back and listen every day, you can just fast forward to where the affirmations start.

“I don’t chase. I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.”

In my opinion, the benefit of these statements is not that you’re taking a completely passive approach — that you’re just sitting on the couch saying these things — waiting for all these material things to show up.

From my perspective, you can have specific goals and things that you desire — things that you’re moving toward.

And I believe that you can still take action to move toward these things. In fact, I think it’s crucial that you include action steps in whatever goal you have.

But what these statements are really saying is: Don’t pursue the things you desire in life from a sense of desperation or from a sense of lack.

You can have a specific goal — a specific aspiration. But you have to be detached from the outcome or detached from exactly how you will manifest that thing.

So, when you approach it from an angle of “I don’t chase. I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me,” it just means that you’re open to opportunities. You’re open to new ideas.

You’re keeping your eyes open for the people, the places, the things that show up in your life that you can interact with and that will help you on the journey to manifesting the life of your dreams.

So for me, it’s really important to keep that perspective in mind. It’s not a completely passive way of operating in the world.

In a moment, I’m going to begin saying these affirmations on a loop. There’ll be no space for you to repeat them back to yourself.

They’re pretty short, so you’ll get the hang of it rather quickly.

Just either say them along with me or just listen to them and let them sink into your subconscious mind.

We’ll take a break or two to do a little visualization, and then we’ll wrap things up after about 10 minutes or so.

Take a deep breath, get centered, and let’s begin.

I don’t chase.

I attract.

What belongs to me will simply find me.

I don’t chase.

I attract.

What belongs to me will simply find me.

I don’t chase.

I attract.

What belongs to me will simply find me.

(Repeat several more times.)

Let’s pause for just a bit and take a little time to absorb the meaning behind those words.

If you’re able to, visualize the things that you desire coming to you, showing up — ideas, opportunities, people, the tools you’ll need. Just take a little time now to sit in the vibration of attracting the things you desire.

All right. Let’s continue repeating those for another few minutes. Here we go.

I don’t chase.

I attract.

What belongs to me will simply find me.

(Repeat several more times.)

And once again, just take a little time to breathe and embody those statements. Imagine how you will live those principles today as you move through your day.

Do that now.

Great job. I hope you found this helpful.

If there’s a way to leave a comment and let me know how effective these have been for you, please do so.

And just know that you can have goals; you can have aspirations; you can have desires; and you can move toward those things from a position of confidence, of knowing, of calm.

Just keep your eyes open for the many ways those things will show up in your life.

And here’s one final concept for you: The things that you are seeking are also seeking you. Words to live by.

This is Bob Baker of BobBakerInspiration.com and author of “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.”

Have a great day. Let’s talk again soon. So long for now.

If you enjoyed this, you will also like my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.” Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and most online booksellers.

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Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.