Improv Comedy Classes and Shows Online and in St. Louis, MO

Bob Baker
Aug 22, 2017



Welcome to your gateway to fun, creativity, and laughter!

Stay tuned for upcoming dates for both classes and shows.

The best way to get reminders about dates, times, and login links is to get on ONE of these two email lists:

For SHOW reminders only (where you simply attend, watch, laugh, and possibly offer suggestions), go here.

For CLASS and SHOW reminders (if you’re interested in learning improv too — in person or on Zoom), go here.

There’s no need to sign up for both lists. Just choose one or the other.

Enjoy these videos from past Improv Comedy Cabaret shows …


​Hope to see you soon!




Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.