Morning Affirmations for Prosperity and Abundance

Bob Baker
5 min readDec 5, 2020

Let’s talk about abundance and prosperity!

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In this recording, instead of just giving you a long list of “I am” affirmations that you repeat back to yourself, I’m going to talk about abundance and then periodically ask you to declare some affirmative statements.

Do you feel abundant? If not, you should.

And let’s clarify that, yes, abundance and prosperity does include money. And money and financial reward is very important in this modern age. But abundance includes so much more than that.

So if making the statement, “I am abundant,” doesn’t feel authentic to you, just let me remind you, your body is comprised of trillions of cells, nerve endings, organs, muscles.

It’s truly a miracle that you even exist and that all of these things are happening with your body to keep you alive that you don’t even have to think about.

It’s just automatically done for you because of mother nature, because of the infinite intelligence of the universe that created you.

So that alone demonstrates that you live an abundant life. So let’s make some statements to reinforce that and acknowledge that.

Say to yourself …

I am abundant.

I live an abundant life.

Abundance is all around me and within me.

Say that again and truly mean it because you know it’s true …

I am abundant.

The fact that I am alive is a demonstration that abundance is all around me.

I am abundant.

Also, to be able to get into this state of mind, to attract abundance into your life, you have to know to your core that you are worthy to receive.

You are worthy to receive. Are you not? Of course, you are.

So say that to yourself …

I am worthy to receive.

Again, we’re not limiting this conversation to money alone. If you get into this mindset and vibrate with a frequency of abundance, you will indeed attract money. But to get there, you almost have to appreciate the abundance of so many other things in your life.

The abundance of air, the abundance of plants and animals, the abundance of emotions that you feel, perhaps the abundance that’s reflected in your family or your group of friends or your community.

Abundance comes in many forms.

Even if at times you feel burdened or under pressure because of things in your life that you don’t particularly like, that’s a demonstration of an abundance of another kind that you’re choosing to focus on.

So ideally, you should redirect your thoughts to positive abundance. You don’t ignore the things that are stressful or that are negative in nature. You just don’t obsess about them.

To truly invite abundance and money into your life , just be aware of and appreciate abundance in its many forms — and know that you are deserving of it.

Say this …

I deserve abundance and prosperity.

I deserve prosperity in all of its many forms.

Say those two things again and really mean it. Really feel it.

I deserve abundance and prosperity.

I deserve prosperity in all of its many forms.

And let’s follow that up with a specific affirmation about money:

I deserve all of the money and riches that come to me.

I enjoy wealth in all of its many forms.

Abundance is my birthright.

Do you know that and feel it to your core?

Again, the very fact that you are alive, that you were born, means that abundance is your birthright. So say that, mean it, and know it.

Abundance is my birthright.

Prosperity is my way of life.

And then, you have to be ready. You have to be open. You have to be looking for abundance and ready for it when it shows up. You have to recognize it.

So let’s say some affirmations to reaffirm that …

I am open and available to receive prosperity.

I welcome abundance into my life.

I am swimming in an ocean of abundance.

Can you say those things without having even a hint of whether it’s authentic or not? Because it’s true. Abundance is all around you.

So acknowledge that and affirm that.

I see the flow of abundance all around me.

I feel the positive flow of money and prosperity all around me.

I am tapped into the financial flow.

I let the current of abundance carry me.

And here’s a really important one …

I give myself permission to swim in prosperity.

That’s right. You have to know this stuff. You have to own it.

You have to give yourself permission to first recognize all the abundance and all the riches in their many forms all around you, and then be open and ready to receive even more of it.

And yes, that includes money. That includes financial rewards that will involve taking these positive thoughts that you’re implanting into your mind and then acting on them. Taking inspired action to move toward the things that will generate revenue, that will generate more abundance, more friends, more relationships, and better health into your life.

Are you ready for that?

I know you are because you are open and ready to receive all the abundance and prosperity that this life has to offer.

Take these feelings. Take these statements. Take this feeling that you’re having right now and move through your day from that sense of knowing, that sense of gratitude and appreciation, and that sense that you know that you deserve abundance, prosperity, and wealth in its many forms.

Thanks for listening. This is Bob Baker, saying so long for now.

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Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.