Start Your Day with Positive Energy | Morning I AM Affirmations

Bob Baker
4 min readApr 17, 2021


Start your day with positive energy, positive vibes, and a positive attitude

Take several minutes right now to prime your mind to look for the good today, to look for what’s right in the world. To move through this day with an expectation that amazing positive things are all around you.

And you just need to be intentional about noticing and appreciating them.

You can watch and listen to the YouTube video, or read the transcript below …

Also, check out my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.”

Listen to this recording while you sit, walk, drive, work out, or whatever. Regardless of how you listen, take a moment right now to get centered. Feel free to take a couple of slow, deep breaths in and out.

Just clear your mind and be open and receptive to receive these powerful affirmations.

I’ll recite each statement. In the space that follows, you can repeat it back to yourself — either out loud or in your mind.

Let’s begin.

This is a really good day.

Today is full of potential.

I am eager to uncover what today has to offer.

Today is already a really good day.

Today is teeming with possibility.

What wonderful things await me on this glorious day.

I start this day with an open heart.

I begin this day with an open mind.

My vibration is high as I embark on this wonderful day.

Yes, this is a really good day.

I am so thankful for all the good in my life.

Today, I recognize the many blessings in my life.

Today, a sense of gratitude propels me.

This is a fabulous day.

Today, I feel awake, aware, and alive.

Today, I vibrate with confidence.

Today, I am the embodiment of success.

Today, I fully express my joy.

Oh, yes. This is an amazing day.

Today, I bask in the glow of contentment.

Today, I am uplifted and fulfilled.

Today, I am on purpose.

This is the perfect day to live with passion.

This is the ideal day to have clarity and focus.

Today is already a wonderful day.

I move into this day at peace.

I begin this day with positive energy.

I launch into this day with optimism.

Today, I attract abundance.

Today, I attract prosperity.

Today, I enjoy pleasant surprises.

This is a miraculous day.

This is a one-of-a-kind day.

This is a day unlike any other.

Today, I celebrate life.

Today, I celebrate another opportunity to live, love, and serve.

This is a really good day.

Today, I am overflowing with energy.

I am overflowing with excitement.

I am overflowing with a sense of expectation.

This is my day to shine.

This is my day to take inspired action.

This is my day to make an impact.

Today is a wonderful day.

Today, I am fully present.

Today, I am flexible.

Today, I am solution oriented.

I choose to feel good today.

I choose to express my joy today.

I choose to laugh today.

Today, I choose to be happy.

Today, I find goodness in unexpected places.

Today, I experience joy when I least expect it.

Today, I choose love.

Today, I embody love.

This is a fabulous day.

This is a wonderful day.

This is a fun-filled day.

This is an amazing day.

This is a really, really good day.

Great job.

Now take this high vibration with you, and let it influence your attitude and your actions throughout the day.

To get the most out of this recording, listen to it every morning for at least 21 days in a row.

Thanks for listening. I wish you the best.

This is Bob Baker. So long for now.

Check out my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk” — available on Amazon, B&N, and most online booksellers.

Get six FREE meditation and affirmation MP3 downloads, my gift to you.

You can purchase or stream many more affirmations, guided meditations, and inspirational audio recordings on Spotify, Bandcamp, Apple, Amazon, and more.

Listen and watch hundreds of my recordings on YouTube (and subscribe to my channel there). And support my life’s work on Patreon.

And follow my Affirmation Meditation Podcast and Bob Baker Inspiration page on Facebook.



Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.