I recently came across an article on the Lifehack website called 7 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day.
The writer’s name is Filiz Mehmedova, and I was really impressed by how simple and powerful these seven affirmations are.
I highly recommend you read what she has to say about each statement.
You can watch and listen to the YouTube video, or read the transcript below …
For now, let’s repeat them over and over for several minutes. As I say each one, you can repeat it back to yourself in the space provided.
Let’s begin.
I believe in my dreams.
I am doing my best every day.
I love myself for who I am.
I am in charge of my own happiness.
I accept 100% responsibility for my own life.
The best is yet to come.
I am grateful for every day.
(Repeat them several times.)
Pretty good affirmations, huh? I thought you might agree with me.
So repeat these to yourself often every day, multiple times a day.
Doing so will increase your energy, firm up your mindset, and raise your vibration. That’s the whole purpose of doing affirmations.
Thanks for listening.
This is Bob Baker of BobBakerInspiration.com and author of “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.”
I hope to connect with you again soon. So long for now.
If you enjoyed this, you will also like my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.” Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and most online booksellers.
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