The LOVE You Seek Is Also Seeking YOU Affirmations | Listen for 21 Days

Bob Baker
4 min readSep 7, 2021


The Love You Seek Is Also Seeking You — a powerful affirmation to attract a romantic partner

Since you clicked on this title, there’s a good chance you have been in the market for a romantic partner. And maybe that ideal person has been eluding you.

I really think you’ll find these affirmations to be very helpful, and I want to give credit to Aaron Doughty. He is the source of this affirmation. And he claims that if you repeat this to yourself for 21 days in a row that you will see results.

And I have no reason to doubt him because it is a very powerful affirmation summed up in two short sentences.

And here they are.

I feel one hundred percent worthy, whole, and complete. And the love I seek is also seeking me.

You can watch and listen to the YouTube video, or read the transcript below …

I hope you can see why those two sentences are so powerful. Let’s take a quick look at them.

I love the first one because it doesn’t focus on the other person. It starts with you.

“I feel one hundred percent worthy, whole, and complete.”

And the best way to be open and receptive to a new partner is to feel that way.

And sorry, but to heck with that line from the Jerry Maguire movie, “You complete me.” No, you are complete by yourself on your own. You don’t need someone else to complete you.

When you feel worthy, whole, and complete to start with, you’re in a much better position to invite someone in and create an even greater life together.

And then the second line:

“The love I seek is also seeking me.”

I like that because it doesn’t put the pressure on you to have to go out and find somebody and work for it.

Yes, when you do these affirmations, you’re going to be more mentally aware. Your radar will be up to recognize a special person when they show up in your life. But they are also out there seeking someone just like you.

So just like a good relationship, you’re both contributing to that journey and to finding each other.

What we’re going to do for the remainder of this recording is just focus on that affirmation and say it repeatedly.

So take a deep breath, get centered, and get ready to lean into these words. Just say them along with me or you can just sit and listen and soak them up.

Here we go.

I feel one hundred percent worthy, whole, and complete.

And the love I seek is also seeking me.

(Repeat four more times.)

Now take a breath and really let those words sink in.

They are your new truth. They are your new reality. You are one hundred percent worthy, one hundred percent whole, one hundred percent complete right now.

Just take a moment to bask in the glow of that first sentence.

I feel one hundred percent worthy, whole, and complete.

Let’s turn to the second line. We’ll say it and then sit in that knowingness that this is your truth.

The love I seek is also seeking me.

Alright. Let’s repeat the entire affirmation just a few more times to lock it in. And here we go.

I feel one hundred percent worthy, whole, and complete.

And the love I seek is also seeking me.

(Repeat several more times.)

Take a deep breath as we bring this session to a close.

Give this a try. Return to this recording every day for 21 days in a row. Repeat this affirmation to yourself repeatedly and then see what or, should I say, WHO shows up in your life.

Don’t rush it. Don’t push it. Just sit in the knowing that the right person is out there, that they’re looking for you, and that — while you are waiting for them to arrive — you are worthy, you are whole, you are complete.

This is Bob Baker of Have a great day. So long for now.

If you enjoyed this, you will also like my new book, “The Power of Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk.” Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and most online booksellers.

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Bob Baker
Bob Baker

Written by Bob Baker

My mission in life is to inspire & empower people through audio affirmations, guided meditations, books, podcasts, music, art, coaching, and improv comedy.

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