Something special starts this coming Monday, July 17.
And Pooki and I very much want you to be part of it!
Do either of these describe you?
You’re a good person doing good things in the world, yet you continue to struggle with money. There’s often a shortage of it or it’s so inconsistent you can never relax and enjoy life.
Or …
You’ve worked hard at a job or your own business. All of your basic financial needs are being met. But you’d really love to earn more money to save, invest, grow your side hustle, hire help, or donate to good causes.
Whichever category you fall into, it’s easy to get frustrated and wonder, “What the heck am I doing wrong?”
I’ve been there many times. It’s not fun and not good for your health and well-being.
I’ve experienced financial highs and lows throughout my life. And I can tell you that even though money does not buy happiness, it sure can ease your stress levels.
Things really turned around for me …
when I finally improved my personal relationship with money — when I upgraded my belief in what was possible for me.
This new identity gave me confidence, which inspired the actions I took to create the life I wanted. (Of course, you have to combine positive thoughts with inspired action to move the needle.)
This approach seems to be working. I’ve published 16 books and currently reach hundreds of thousands of people every month through my YouTube channel and podcast.
I’ve been featured in the media, presented at dozens of conferences, and have a sizable online following. Life is pretty good.
But it wasn’t always this way. Not by a long shot.
Several years ago, when Pooki and I were at a financial low point, I developed some audio recordings and simple daily activities to help me get out of a funk.
They helped a lot. In fact, it was during this period that I posted my first affirmation videos on YouTube.
The channel now gets a million views per month with nearly 350,000 subscribers.
That low point ended up being a blessing — very much in disguise!
I ended up packaging my simple process into a program, but I didn’t really promote it heavily. However, the people who discovered it and used it got some amazing results.
That’s why I invite you to join the 21-Day Abundance and Money Attraction Brain Boost. It’s the same program that changed my life and the lives of many others.
It starts this Monday, July 17.
If you’re ready to attract more abundance and reduce your stress level around money, this is for you.
I put all the details in a short PDF file. (No opt-in required. Just read it or download it.)
Or you can use this Google Drive link.
There’s no need to download an app or sign in to anything. You should be able to read or download it right from either of those links.
P.S. The great thing about this 21-day abundance experience is that you will not go through it alone. You’ll do it with Pooki and me and members of our High-Vibe Tribe global community!
Click one of those links above and let’s work together to raise our vibration, take inspired action, and attract more prosperity into our lives!